Tips for increased hospitality in the hospitality industry

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Tips for increased hospitality in the hospitality industry

Needless to say, true hospitality is most important in the actual hospitality industry. This goes way deeper than merely focusing on the reviews that may appear. A satisfied guest is the best free advertising you can imagine. Therefore, not only you, but also your staff should show their most guest-friendly side.

Unfortunately, hospitality is not tangible. Not only your words but also the decoration and even the music in your establishment contribute to this feeling. The biggest source of annoyance among hospitality guests are unfriendly staff, lack of interest, lack of personal attention and dedication and long waiting periods. That’s why well organized hospitality can set you apart from your competition. When hospitality is done right, your guests are going to build a relationship with your establishment and are more likely to return.

How to improve communication & service?

Tips for the host and his team

  1. In order to successfully succeed in hospitality, you need to immediately welcome your guests warmly. Welcome them with open arms, address them by name if you know them, and make sure not to distinguish between regular customers and new customers.
  2. It is very important that your staff knows the menu of the business so they can help the customers in their choices. Build the best team by hiring both young starters as well as experienced staff.
  3. Get to know your guests. For example, at a business dinner, it’s best to address customers as sir/ma’am. And when people come for lunch in suits, they may want quick service because they have to move on to the next meeting. When your guests ask for something, you should respond immediately, because no one likes to wait. However, give your guests time to make choices.
  4. Inform in advance. While booking, ask if there are guests with any food allergies, for example. However, the client is going to appreciate it when you ask again during the evening itself. Also allow customers to ask for minor adjustments to a menu.
  5. Be aware of how important it is for your staff to work with a smile. You can’t motivate your staff enough yourself. For example, let them try new dishes, give them plenty of pats on the back and organize a team building session. After all, a good team achieves better results.


Verbal and nonverbal tips

  1. Adhering to etiquette, do not interrupt your guests when they are in conversation. In addition, it is also better not to finish your guests’ sentences. Show interest in what your customers have to say, even if they are complaints. Never contradict customers when they have complaints.
  2. Feel free to use humor. Make light-hearted jokes or comments but keep it short and polite.
  3. Personal hygiene and well-groomed attire contribute to a positive image of the business. Iron work clothes, wear clean shoes, make sure your hair is washed and tie it together from a certain length.
  4. Eye contact and a smile are also very important. Eye contact ensures that you show interest in the customers. The smile, of course, also speaks for itself.
  5. Remember the wishes of regular customers. Do they have a favorite table? Would they like extra sugar? These are small things that are greatly appreciated.

Make sure your guests always feel that there are plenty of employees and that they are visible. Wearing similar attire can already help with this.

How do you improve product and location?

Fresh ingredients and quality produce

There are factors you cannot influence or have little control over. Even when you always choose quality fresh ingredients, a product can leave something to be desired. If your customer is dissatisfied with a dish, make sure to change the narrative towards a positive experience.

Provide an occasional additional extra service. Put a carafe of water on the table, provide a bread basket, offer customers a pastry or digestive with their coffee.

In addition, guests also have a certain expectation of your offerings. If the expected offering is not available, the customer may be dissatisfied. Variety in the offer is greatly appreciated. Too wide an offer, in turn, will result in so called choice stress.

The interior and the location

Of course, you have only partial influence on the accessibility of your business. What you can change is the interior and atmosphere of the business. It is also important to make your business accessible to people with disabilities.

Everyone likes to have clean tables, possibly with a flower in the middle. This applies to the terrace as well as the interior of course.

For most customers, space is also a must have. People want to be able to sit at the table with their entire party without being crammed in.

How do you improve your hospitality business?

Clearly, you can’t exert much influence on every factor. That’s why it’s best to focus on improving your communication. For example, by introducing the guest paging systems. This is where you have the greatest influence, provided your team remains motivated to bring out the best in themselves.

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